Our Approach to International Equities

Our Approach to International Equities

2 min read
Andrew Brown
Investment Manager

Our research team is tasked with finding those few special businesses that we believe can deliver the most attractive rates of long-term dividend growth for our investors. In doing this we require all the companies we hold to be able to meet the same high hurdle rate, regardless of where it is listed or what sector it happens to fall into.

This high hurdle rate has profound implications.

Firstly, it means we only own the very best companies we can find internationally: those that are the global leaders in their industries, and which have the capacity to compound their dividends at double digit rates far into the future. For a US-based investor, this means no dilution of the high-quality growth characteristics they enjoy from owning US equities. And for us it means our international businesses are highly complementary to those we own in the US.

Secondly, it means we run a highly differentiated portfolio. At the time of writing (July 2024), we have allocated the majority of capital in the portfolio to growing, dividend-paying businesses in the Healthcare and Information Technology sectors, and little to nothing in areas such as Energy, Materials, Real Estate, Telecommunications and Utilities which are the typical hunting ground of our dividend yield focused peers.

Underlying this, one of the cornerstones of our approach is that a company’s destiny is not dependent on where it is listed - what really matters is its ability to drive strong growth in sales, profit, and cashflows through profitable reinvestment. This freedom to stay true to dividend growth –wherever it may be found, means we can focus our time on getting to know those few special businesses that have the potential to drive excess long term returns for our clients.

"We believe that where dividends grow, share prices follow."

This is doubly important since research1 shows that stock selection is even more important outside the US, with just 1.41% of companies driving more than 100% of index wealth creation between 1990-2020 (in the US, it was 2.4%). The same piece of work showed that 30% of the top wealth creating equities globally between 1990 and 2020 were listed outside the US. Ergo, you would have increased your chances of outperformance by investing in an actively managed international equity fund.

For example, consider some of the wonderful companies we have invested in as a result of broadening our horizons. Our global research approach drove us to own Dutch lithography champion ASML (10-year dividend growth of 23% p/a), innovative diabetes drug developer Novo Nordisk (10 year dividend growth of 13% p/a) and the premier luxury goods company LVMH (10 year dividend growth of 13% p/a).

This experience is why we would ask you to join hands with us and take the oath of optimism, expand your horizons, and invest with a global mindset.

1 Bessembinder, H., Chen, T. F., Choi, G., & Wei, K. C. J. (2023). Long-Term Shareholder Returns: Evidence from 64,000 Global Stocks. Financial Analysts Journal, 79(3), 33–63. https://doi.org/10.1080/0015198X.2023.2188870


Dundas Global Investors is the trading name of Dundas Partners LLP. Dundas Partners LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the USA, and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) in Australia. The Authorised Corporate Director for the Heriot Investment Funds is Waystone Management (UK) Limited which is also authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Dundas Partners LLP provides investment management services to clients in the UK, USA, Australia, and New Zealand. In this communication Dundas Partners LLP may be referred to as DGI, Dundas or Dundas Global Investors.

This document is a financial promotion and intended for professional, eligible counterparty and institutional investors only. The information presented is for the intended recipient(s) and is not to be share or disseminated without our prior approval. This material has not been prepared for retail clients.

Investors are reminded that the price of shares and the income derived from them is not guaranteed and may go down as well as up. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.  This document contains information produced by Dundas and sourced from others where stated. The images used are for illustrative purposes only. The views expressed are those of Dundas and are based on current market conditions. They do not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy any security which has been highlighted in this material. Although this communication is based on sources of information that Dundas believes to be reliable, no guarantee is given as to its accuracy or completeness.

In relation to FCA handbook ESG 4.3, Dundas does not market these funds as a ‘sustainability product’. Use of any sustainability related terms in describing the characteristics of the strategy, or inclusion of any third-party information which measures sustainability of our portfolios are for information purposes only.

For full information on fund risks and costs and charges, please refer to the Key Investor Information Documents, Annual & Interim Reports, and the Prospectus, which are available on our website (https://www.dundasglobal.com). Recent performance information is also shown on factsheets, available on the website.

Read our Sustainability Disclaimer
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We believe that where dividends grow, share prices follow.

Our research team is tasked with finding those few special businesses that we believe can deliver the most attractive rates of long-term dividend growth for our investors. In doing this we require all the companies we hold to be able to meet the same high hurdle rate, regardless of where it is listed or what sector it happens to fall into.

This high hurdle rate has profound implications.

Firstly, it means we only own the very best companies we can find internationally: those that are the global leaders in their industries, and which have the capacity to compound their dividends at double digit rates far into the future. For a US-based investor, this means no dilution of the high-quality growth characteristics they enjoy from owning US equities. And for us it means our international businesses are highly complementary to those we own in the US.

Secondly, it means we run a highly differentiated portfolio. At the time of writing (July 2024), we have allocated the majority of capital in the portfolio to growing, dividend-paying businesses in the Healthcare and Information Technology sectors, and little to nothing in areas such as Energy, Materials, Real Estate, Telecommunications and Utilities which are the typical hunting ground of our dividend yield focused peers.

Underlying this, one of the cornerstones of our approach is that a company’s destiny is not dependent on where it is listed - what really matters is its ability to drive strong growth in sales, profit, and cashflows through profitable reinvestment. This freedom to stay true to dividend growth –wherever it may be found, means we can focus our time on getting to know those few special businesses that have the potential to drive excess long term returns for our clients.

This is doubly important since research1 shows that stock selection is even more important outside the US, with just 1.41% of companies driving more than 100% of index wealth creation between 1990-2020 (in the US, it was 2.4%). The same piece of work showed that 30% of the top wealth creating equities globally between 1990 and 2020 were listed outside the US. Ergo, you would have increased your chances of outperformance by investing in an actively managed international equity fund.

For example, consider some of the wonderful companies we have invested in as a result of broadening our horizons. Our global research approach drove us to own Dutch lithography champion ASML (10-year dividend growth of 23% p/a), innovative diabetes drug developer Novo Nordisk (10 year dividend growth of 13% p/a) and the premier luxury goods company LVMH (10 year dividend growth of 13% p/a).

This experience is why we would ask you to join hands with us and take the oath of optimism, expand your horizons, and invest with a global mindset.

1 Bessembinder, H., Chen, T. F., Choi, G., & Wei, K. C. J. (2023). Long-Term Shareholder Returns: Evidence from 64,000 Global Stocks. Financial Analysts Journal, 79(3), 33–63. https://doi.org/10.1080/0015198X.2023.2188870


Dundas Partners LLP is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority, registered as an Investment Adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and holds a Foreign Financial Service Providers License with The Australian Securities and Investment Commission. It operates as Dundas Global Investors and/or Dundas.

This document is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation to purchase or sell any fund, security or investment. If it prompts an interest in Dundas, please contact us for detailed information on our strategies and funds. It is not a substitute for a fund’s prospectus or disclosure document. The material in this document addresses general investment matters only, not Dundas’ specific strategies. Past investment performance is not a reliable indicator of future investment performance. You should be aware of the risks associated with investments in any fund, security or investment strategy.

Although Dundas Partners LLP’s information providers, including without limitation, MSCI ESG Research LLC and its affiliates (the “ESG Parties”), obtain information (the “Information”) from sources they consider reliable, none of the ESG Parties warrants or guarantees the originality, accuracy and/or completeness, of any data herein and expressly disclaim all express or implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The Information may only be used for your internal use, may not be reproduced or redisseminated in any form and may not be used as a basis for, or a component of, any financial instruments or products or indices. Further, none of the Information can in and of itself be used to determine which securities to buy or sell or when to buy or sell them. None of the ESG Parties shall have any liability for any errors or omissions in connection with any data herein, or any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

© Dundas Partners LLP 2023.


Sustainability label. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued new standards governing the use of sustainability vocabulary in the promotion and description of fund and asset management services. Funds may adopt one of four FCA labels describing their approach, or they may opt not to have a label. For reasons discussed below, Dundas has decided for the present to operate without a label for its two UK domiciled funds – Heriot Global and Heriot Smaller Companies.

Dundas makes investment decisions in large part based upon audited annual reports which in recent years have expanded to address wider sustainability matters. Disclosure on CO₂ emissions and sustainability has improved but remains incomplete, inconsistent, and heavily reliant on estimation. In response new IFRS Sustainability accounting standards were issued in 2023 (now out for adoption across the world outside the USA, where GAAP standards are moving in the same direction) effective 1 January 2024. Dundas welcomes the new standards. They are thorough, stringent and, when fully adopted, will raise and level the playing field for corporate sustainability reporting.  

Dundas is already engaged with the companies in which it invests about the new standards. We will re-evaluate the appropriateness of adopting a label once our analysis of improved sustainability reporting is complete.

Sustainability Goal: to invest in companies with long-term growth potential that are simultaneously becoming more environmentally and socially sustainable. Progress will be measured largely via reporting under the new IFRS Sustainability standards. Dundas believes that companies which shoulder these responsibilities and communicate effectively will gain competitive advantage which is why we advocate for sustainable practices by those we invest in.

Investment Policy and Strategy: Dundas invests in global equities for dividend and capital growth with an investment horizon of five years or more. Where dividend growth leads, share prices follow. Sustained dividend growth is produced by well managed companies that respect all their stakeholders’ interests. The case for responsible investment in sustainable businesses is readily made by its opposite. A portfolio of irresponsible companies with unsustainable businesses will not meet clients’ long-term investment needs. The actions of the companies Dundas invests in (i.e. the enterprise contribution) are the main driver of sustainability metrics.  

Stocks we decline to own on principle because their principal activity is one of the following:

• Manufacture, production or distribution of tobacco products;

• Manufacture of controversial and indiscriminate weapons (including cluster bombs or similar anti-personnel weapons);

• Corporate structures that deny investors title to the underlying operating business assets, such as Variable Interest Entities;

• State-owned or controlled companies where minority shareholders’ interests are not respected.

• Thermal coal mining or its use in power generation.

Relevant Metrics: Dundas monitors the progress of the businesses it invests in on behalf of clients against metrics such as: carbon footprint, carbon intensity, weighted average carbon intensity (all for Scope 1 and 2 emission), MSCI ESG ratings, board independence, workforce pay & conditions, employee turnover, productivity. We rely upon MSCI and Bloomberg reports whose accuracy will improve as IFRS Sustainability standards are applied.

• Progress on these metrics will be covered in our annual Stewardship Report and TCFD document along with discussion on quality and availability of data from audited sources.

Resources and Governance: The firm’s Investment Committee is responsible for all aspects of its investment activities, including sustainable investment policy. Within the investment committee, a partner has lead responsibility for Sustainability, supported by other team members.    

Voting / associations: Dundas’ investor contribution includes voting all proxies aided by a proxy advisor. Its PRI report is available on the firm’s website.  The firm’s Stewardship Report sets out how it upholds the UK Stewardship Code and the EU’s Shareholder Rights Directive II.

Lexicon: The FCA’s labels tighten up how the word ‘sustainable’ can be used in fund marketing. Whilst agreeing that greenwashing needed to be confronted, Dundas may use ‘sustained’ in reports and communications in its plain English sense of ‘something continuing into the future’. We’ll take care not to use it inappropriately.

Accessing other relevant information: the sustainability disclosures section of the Dundas website discloses all relevant information.

Andrew Brown
Investment Manager